Live a Great Story

My Late New Years Resolution

I must say – life is better thought through as a story. I learned storytelling from the Navajo elders. But thinking back to 7th grade, I was telling stories. I absolutely love telling a good story. People here at camp always ask “do you have a book or blog?” I always say – it is better in person.

I have been blessed with an extraordinary life – especially when I embellish. A story is just that…reading your audience and steering the emotion. I love humorous stories so I think that is why I enjoyed Native Americans. They know humor!

I see humor in Maria and Sarah

“Something big is about to happen to you”

“This message has no content.”- the irony!


These past days have been unseasonably cold. We built a fire the other night – Jake said dad I can see the fire reflected in your glasses give me your camera – and this is the result.

Jake contemplates

Jake headed back to school from 8am till 3pm. I miss the banter and company of my son. But that is another story.

A dusting of snow…