Filson Jacket and a fart…

I have never been concerned about my appearance. Born ugly, I embraced it and moved forward. I remember in 9th grade Kim Hobi said I had a bulbous nose…bulbous was a spelling word and she had to use it in a sentence.


Downtown Billings Montana, not too inbred but close…I park the old 1991 Ford f250 close to Lou Taubert Ranch Outfitters. Yes, most times I am driving the Mercedes Benz G but I was hauling stuff home so… I figured I would look at the Filson jackets while a friend


searched the racks for high end clothes. I am dressed in Cinch jeans, Keen boots, and a camo sweatshirt with my old Filson cause it is raining…
I walk in and the lady sniffed…okay I forgot to shave sue me…but I smell good! I go over to the Filson rack thinking wow, I want this down hunting vest. The sales lady sniffs…I figured some other customer farted so I paid her no mind.

Chloe loves my Filson too

My friend comes from the back of the store and we leave. Driving home, I reflected on the sales lady and how we all tend to judge based on clothes, vehicle, and appearance. But then I paused, I always wear either jeans or Carharts and hiking boots with t-shirts – Mercedes, Land Cruiser, or F250. I wondered if what I drive to town affects my way of acting? Or maybe someone did fart? Guess I’m just too comfortable in my own skin.