Apiary (not where one stores apes!) cops, shooting – Lodge Grass

I am downtown Lodge Grass, Montana getting honey fresh from the hive!

Walking into the Apiary my buddy owns,  I notice that cops are swarming a trailer (no pun intended). So, I yell inside and rally the guys to take a look. We all pile out like a buncha idiots on Jerry Springer and cops all over –

One cops walks past and asks “what is this”

Crow Native dude says “huh?”

The cops points to the building – “What is this?”

Crow Native dude says ” Lodge Grass Apiary”

Cop – “huh?”  –

Crow – “LG Apiary” really slow…

Cop – “what?” (as in are you messing with me) and we all realize someone was absent from school the week APIARY was on the spelling list!

Crow – “Apiary, bees, honey….”

Cop – “oh, you work there”

Bees buzzing and I am holding 36lbs of local honey laughing…

I guess there was another shooting in downtown Lodge Grass – cops everywhere – and I drove home!

Thanks Claude Dawes for thinking to run up and lock down the school and safeguard our most precious resource!
