Full Time

Writing again, the raw struggle of text and photos with the ease of quick Facebook. After my nephew passed, I stopped writing. I stopped life. My last post was home in Montana and what a trip since. I decided to retire from life, retreat, rebuild…try to be Thoreau in my cabin. So many stories since that epic move.


I retreated from relationships binding grind. Well, a side from my most faithful companion- Chloe. The good Lord saw differently and blessed me with a wife and child.


Full Time is my new life on the road. Bornfree 24′ motorcoach, selling part time to maintain the life style.

My son Jake will be one year old in a few days. At a campground just days ago, an elderly man commented ” sure is a waste traveling with him this young – he will never remember a thing”. I could not disagree more!


These formative years define a child. Yes, our lifestyle as full time RV denizens is out of box. But, I know their is a purpose and direction in all.

What follows is our lives on the road:

Warning – do not try this at home!


Disclaimer: This is not the exciting stories of UFO. Skinwalker, and native tales

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