Take Crow Kids Hunting!

1461648_1413513755546807_899002352_nMountain Crow Outfitters is offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to one enrolled member of the Crow Tribe. In the month of April, there is going to be a buffalo hunt and it is going to be done traditionally with the buffalo being taken with a bow. We will be selecting one high school student over the age of 14 who has never had the opportunity to harvest a buffalo and wants to experience the challenge of bow hunting! Mountain Crow Outfitters will train and provide the equipment needed to fulfill the hunt. Mountain Crow Outfitters is seeking sponsors to enable a Crow young person to learn the traditional ways of hunting. The Crow Reservation is located in Big Horn County the most impoverished county in the United States. Specific criteria will be adhered to when choosing this young Crow native: excellent academic standing, proven leadership abilities, good school 1452509_1417120861852763_86533899_nattendance, and an overall positive outlook. Why? We feel that by teaching youth to hunt both traditionally and by understanding modern conservation that parallels Crow Native ways; we will begin to transform the young hunters on the Crow Reservation. We will be teaching both hunter safety and respect of the Crow natural resources. Mountain Crow Outfitters will be filming this hunt and your support will be included in the credits on a national hunting network through the Pursuit Channel.
Here is a list of the items needed to make this a successful and learning experience. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and we hope that this seminal hunt will be the basis of a program here on the Crow Reservation that is repeated yearly and grows to include many teens! The hunter will need: a bow, six arrows, practice tips, a knife, a hunting pack, hunting boots and clothing, and broadhead tips for the hunt. 
With Respect,
Chaz Bends – Tim Pease – Aubrey GoodLuck
Mountain Crow Outfitters Team 406-679-3353