Lights, Phone, everything went out talking to George Noory!

I am about 3/4 of the way through my two hour interview and my phone goes dead, my lights turn off, and all the electric hum we never hear is gone – the dogs are going crazy outside! 

I grab my Remington 870 (no, I do not rack a shell into the chamber – one is always there) and walk to the fuse box. Everything is good – phone in hand – I call the emergency number for George Noory! I am totally freaked out at this point and go on with the interview. 

Always watching – now wonder what the cam will show in the morning?

Thirty minutes later – interview finished and the wolves never come in this close to the house – they are letting me know they listened. 

8 thoughts on “Lights, Phone, everything went out talking to George Noory!

  1. It’s those pesky SKIN WALKERS…. You can run, but you can’t hide. Seriously though, you seem to attract Spiritual Energy that isn’t always positive.( I ask for Divine Protection, and that ALWAYS helps.) I am glad you continued with the show. Wish I was able to hear it, but we Don’t get Coast to Coast out here.

  2. i was listening to that interview and about the time you were starting to talk about the ufo or maybe it was a little bit later– there was a horrendous beep/squealing noise in my headset–and the next thing i remember was my wife shaking me and asking me if i was asleep. by then the interview was pretty much over and i missed out on a lot.and i don’t have a subscription to coast to coast insider.

    anyway–i really like this page and am thankful that mr. lors has allowed me to let me link Old Iron Adventure to my wordpress site–



  3. Enjoyed the broadcast Hoss (Anne sent me the youtube link). Fascinating. Aware of the folklore of transformations which growing up near the Umatilla Reservation most kids are drawn to such stories, but not the detail of skin-walkers. Great job.

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